Friday, April 1, 2011

Nothing quite like renovating while heavily pregnant...

Another appointment with the midwife today and everything bub-wise is fine and dandy. I just wish the rest of me was! Now on anti-biotics to get rid of a UTI and possible ear infection and taking cough medicine to battle my awful cough. Thankfully not Whooping Cough, got tested for that on Monday and got the all clear. Having lots of little naps now to try and get better.

Things have been moving along quickly in getting the house renovated in time for Bunny's arrival. I'm sitting here with the computer on a camp table, sitting in a directors chair in an otherwise very bare lounge room with a concrete floor. New floorboards arrived today and will be installed on Monday. Hopefully we'll be ready to move back in and redecorate by Wednesday.
Bunny's room was painted the other week, and has now been almost completely furnished. Bassinet is nearly done and will be the final touch in the room soon. I've even been hanging and folding all the little baby clothes. Any more has been put on hold until we have finished with the flooring, as both bedrooms have turned into storerooms for the time being! Have to give a big hand to Adam for all his hard work at shifting stuff, ripping up floors, painting and generally being an awesome guy. oxxo
I even installed the baby capsule into the car today after is finally got here from the USA. (Thanks Dad!!)

In other news, we start our Calmbirth classes on Sunday, looking forward to those! Also I had a wonderful surprise baby shower morning tea with my craft girls on Thursday. I was very late to the group and they were worried I wasn't going to show up! I walked into a room decorated with pink and blue balloons and a table full of yummo food and didn't even twig for a few minutes that it was for me!! hehehe. Was spoiled rotten with a big basket full of pressies, including some absolutely divine handmade things. My craft ladies are the bestest ever. :)

Thanks all from Bunny & Me for now, Bunny sends lots of kicks to everyone (in the ribs, in the middle of the night) xooxxo