Sunday, October 17, 2010

Telling time

Hi gorgeous girls!! I thought it was about time to break the news. I'm far to excited to hold on to it any longer! That and if I didn't say something, someone else would have spilled the beans (mum and dad I'm looking at you!)
Also off to tell Adam's folks tonight, although they already suspect we're either announcing a baby or a wedding, and they're pretty sure it's not a wedding. hehe

I'm at 9 weeks now, and I haven't been ill in a few days which is awesome. Went to the GP for my checkup and all was fine and dandy. Asked about things that would prevent me from having a natural birth (or exclude me from the homebirth program). Nothing was showing at the moment as all my blood tests came back great, my blood pressure it at the low end of normal, and much to my delight she said I wasn't in the high risk catergory for Gestational Diabetes, which was my only real concern due to my weight and family history. Phew!

Bunny went to it's first rock concert over the weekend. I think it's going to grow up liking Powderfinger for some unknown reason :)

Still very tired but forcing myself to get plenty of sleep. A bit hard with work & band & theatre, but I'm getting there.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A week of Spews

Finally morning sickness (all day sickness) really struck. I've spewed at least once a day, and contrary to the name of the 'sickness' it always seems to be at night time. I'm also ridiculously tired, and on many days have had to pull over while on the road for work and have a nap. eek! I just feel crappy all the time, but it's worth every minute, so I keep getting told anyway. :)  I honestly can't wait for the end of 13 weeks. Hopefully I'll start 'glowing' then.

Adam was away for most of this week up at Bathurst for the car races, so I've been home alone. It's been really hard to sleep without him home! And he's off again for work for another few nights, so I think I'm going to have to break out the rescue remedy and aromatharapy so i'm not falling asleep at work.

Oh and I broke my 'no buying stuff' rule. After getting some maternity pants for work and a wire free bra for comfort reasons, I wandered in to Pumpkin Patch, which was having a sale (first bad move). I picked up a few things, then put them back until I found a beautiful green baby wrap with little leaves on it. It looks like something a gumnut baby would be wrapped in. And then how could I resist a little red and white striped jacket with a bunny on it!! Bought them right away, and as soon as I got back to the car, I started bawling my eyes out. It all just seemed so real, I really was going to have a baby. It was such a happy cry.

That's enough today, 'til next time...

Sunday, October 3, 2010

It's there alright!

There's the little bunny! So so tiny, but it's there!!!!
We even got to see a heart beat which made me and Adam smile lots. Just as suspected we were at 6 weeks, 6 days at the time of the scan.

Broke the news to my family who are all really excited. Mum and Georgie had tears.

7 weeks 2days at the moment. Now to push through the next few weeks of all day sickness and hope this little bunny is a sticky one.